Clubs & Societies
Baby & Toddler Group
Group for parents / carers and their children to come along to on a Wednesday morning from 10am to 12pm in the Church Institute. There are toys for babies and toddlers to play with, craft activities and a snack is provided for the children during the session. Teas and coffees available for adults. The cost is £2.00 per child and 50p for siblings. Includes snack and craft activity. Please contact Ellen Campbell on
Balsham Bellringers
Tower Captain: Richard Pargeter
Secretary: Claire Tucker
Treasurer: Jules Scotland
To find out more, visit us at the church on a Tuesday evening, or get in touch with us at
(Also see more information here)
Balsham Singers
The Balsham Singers is a Choral Society (SATB) based in Balsham. Founded in 1995 we now have a large choir and perform a wide range of different types of music.
We usually perform at two concerts a year held in Balsham Church, with some other events. We rehearse in the Meadow School, Balsham on Thursday evenings.
There is no audition and all interested singers are very welcome. There is a lively and friendly social background as well.
See our Website:
Please contact Marion Bryant on 01223 290420 for more information.
Bowls Club
Please contact John Robinson on 01223 893895 for more information.
Bridge Club
Please contact Philip Jones on 01223 290916 for more information.
Please contact Julie Collins on 01223 956259 or for more information
Bumble Bees Toddler Group – The Reading Rooms, Weston Colville.
Bumbles Bees Toddler Group, Tuesdays 10am to 11.30am, Term time only. The Reading Rooms, Weston Colville. 0-5 yrs. Lots of indoor and outdoor toys to suit all. Stories, songs, different craft activity each week, and a snack for both Adults and Children. £2.50 (+ an extra £1 for each additional sibling)
Please contact Beverley on 07833 228958 for details.
Buttercups Community Pre-school
The Pre-school is located in the grounds of the Meadow Community School and takes children from the age of 2½ up to starting school. We were rated as ‘Outstanding‘ by Ofsted in 2011 and open from 8.50 to 3pm on most days of the week in school term time.
For more information about the Pre-school please contact: Kirsty Taylor (Classroom) on 01223 894608, or Kaye Morris (Admissions/Places) on 01223 893862. Or e-mail us via the contact page.
Some information about the Pre-school is also available on the Meadow School website
Carpet bowls
Please contact Jean Clements on 01223 891933 for more information.
Church Sewing Group
Please contact Yvonne Cubitt on 01223 894272 for more information.
Cricket Club
Please contact Graham Clarkson on 01223 893962 for more information.
Cubs / Scouts
Balsham Scout Group
The Balsham Group is one of the most successful Scouting groups in the district running a whole range of activites including camps and adventure days. Cubs are for ages 8 to 10 and Scouts 11 to 14 and are open to both boys and girls from Balsham and the surrounding villages. The Scouts meet on Mondays 7.00 to 8.30 and Cubs meet on Wednesdays 6.30 – 8.00 at the Scout Hut in Woodhall Lane, Balsham. There is a maximum number we can accommodate (Scouts – 18 and Cubs 24) so if you are interested get in touch sooner rather than later – the Cubs currently have a waiting list. The cost for each term is £25 with extra fees for the weekend activites.
To join or find out more contact: Paul Carter, Scout Leader, at or call 01223 890129 or Debbie Mower, Cub Leader, at or call 01223 894498. If you would like to support us through our 100 Club contact Seppe Cassettari, Hon Treasurer, at or call 01223 892390.
Football – Seniors
Please contact Dave Appleby on 01223 290560 for more information.
Football – Juniors (Balsham Colts)
Please contact Rob Walker on 01223 894925 for more information.
Please contact Regan Neaves on 01223 290956 for more information.
Horticultural Society
Please contact Bren Williamson 01223 892529 (Secretary) for more information.
Mothers’ Union
Please contact Joanna Sanders on 01223 893063 for more information.
Plough Monday Club
Please contact Jan Ellam on 01223 894887 for more information.
Balsham Ploughmen website:
Please see here for the History of the Balsham Ploughmen.
Please contact Emma Penfold on 01223 290186 for more information.
Tuneful Tots
A friendly music and singing group for babies and pre-school children that meets on a Thursday morning 10am – 11.30 am in the Church Institute.
The group is run by local mums and a pianist plays the piano for the children. Each session includes instruments, nursery rhymes and number songs followed by action and movement songs. There is a break for refreshments during the session.
The cost for the 1st child is £ 2.50 and the 2nd or more 50p
Contact Karen Hall 07974 706 612 – Term Time early
Yoga in Balsham
Where: Balsham Institute
When: Tuesday evenings, 6.45 – 8.00
Who: The aim is to make classes suitable for all levels regardless of age and flexibility – from beginners to the more experienced. Each class includes posture work (asana), breath work (pranayama), relaxation and some meditation to promote overall well being, strength and flexibility of body, breath and mind. One to one sessions are also available.
Contact: Maggie Shanks, 01223 290153, 07790 218 681, please contact Maggie before attending a class.
Womens Institute
Please contact The President Debbie Mower on 01223 894498 or
secretary Rosemary Eason 01223 893859 for further information.