Pothole to be fixed?

A letter has been received from a caseworker for our MP, Pippa Heylings, containing a letter from the County Council Head of Highways Maintenance. I naively believe this might signal some action is (finally) going to take place on this longstanding problem. To read...
Potholes in West Wickham Road

Potholes in West Wickham Road

The potholes in West Wickham Road are becoming increasingly dangerous. The most recent repair lasted barely 24 hours before it started crumbling away again. We need to put as much pressure on the CCC Highways Dept. to not only repair these potholes but also to address...

Solar Farm Consultation

The developer of the proposed solar farm, Kingsway Solar, have announced the dates for the Stage One Consultation. These can be found here. Kingsway Solar is a proposed solar farm and battery storage project to be located on parcels of land around the areas of...

Charity football match – match report

On Saturday the 18th of June, we held our annual charity football match. A Bell Inn Landlords X1 took on AFC Balsham in a close and entertaining match which ended in a 2-2 draw. The game was decided by a penalty shootout which saw the Landlords X1 victorious. The game...

Annual Charity Football Match

The Annual Charity Football Match will take place on Saturday 15th June at the Recreation Ground with kick-off at 3.00pm. The match will be a contest between the Bell Inn Landlord’s X1 and AFC Balsham. Proceeds from the game will be for the Cambridge branch of The...

Balsham: a dog-friendly village

Balsham has long been a place where dogs have a special place. To celebrate this we organised a photo shoot of as many available dogs as possible on Saturday 18th May. There were nearly 40 dogs at the event along with their respective owners. Thanks to the efforts of...