Forthcoming Events
February Events at a Glance
Saturday 22nd Balsham FC v Guilden Morden
Tuesday 25th Charity Quiz The Bell 8.00pm
Wednesday 26th Lunch Club The Bell
March Events at a Glance
Saturday 1st Balsham Picture House ‘The Critic’ 7.30pm Institute
Monday 3rd Forever Active Strength & Balance Class, 11.15-12.15 Institute
Friday 7th World Day of Prayer service 11.00am Church
Tuesday 11th Community Café, 10.00am-12.00pm Institute
Tuesday 11th Balsham WI, 7.30pm Pavilion
Monday 17th Parish Council, 7.30pm Pavilion
Monday 17th West Wickham Gardening Club,7.30pm WW Village Hall
Tuesday 18th Linton & District Historical Society, 7.30pm Linton Village Hall
Saturday 22nd Concert for Friends of Hidersham Church, 7.30pm Hildersham Church
Sunday 30th Mothering Sunday 11.00am Balsham Church
March Church Services
Sunday 2nd 11.00am United Service with Holy Communion Revd Iain McColl/Revd Hannah Threlfall
Sunday 9th 11.00am Morning Worship Revd Jennifer Totney
Sunday 16th 11.00am Morning Worship Alistair Collen
Sunday 23rd 11.15am Holy Communion Revd Michael Wilcockson
Sunday 30th Mothering Sunday Morning Worship Revd Iain McColl
Sunday 30th 5.00pm Mothering Sunday Evening Service Weston Colville Revd Iain McColl
The Old Butchers Shop Café 
Craft Group 10.00-12.00 every Tuesday
Sewing Group ‘Sewcial’ 12.00-3.00 first Wednesday of every month
French Club 10.00-11.00 every Wednesday
German Club 2.30-3.30 first Friday of every month
Work from Home Social 11.00-1.00 every Thursday
Bin Collections
The dates for bin collections can be found here.